En Castellano: |
- Comprender los mercados de futuros, Puig, Xavier y Viladot, Jordi, Ediciones Gestión 2000, 1999.
- Futuros y opciones en materias primas agrarias, Font Vilalta, Montserrat y Costa Ran, Luis, Editorial Aedos, 1991
- Introducción a los mercados de futuros y opciones , Hull, John, Prentice Hall, 1996
- Los mercados de futuros de electricidad, Millan Navarro, Rocio, Editorial Cívitas, 1999
- Los mercados de futuros y opciones , Soufi, Samer, Ediciones Pirámide, 1994
- Mercados de futuros (commodities y coberturas), Amor Simón, Jesús María, Editorial Agrícola Española, 1993
- Opciones, futuros e instrumentos derivados, Fernández, Pablo, Ediciones Deusto, 1996
En Inglés: |
- A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets: Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading, Spreads, and Options, Schwager ,John Wiley & Sons
- Agricultural Options: Trading Puts and Calls in the New Grain and Livestock Futures Markets, Angell ,Windsor Books
- All About Futures From The Inside Out, McCafferty, Irwin
- An Introduction to Derivatives, Chance ,Dryden Press
- Be A Winner Trading Commodities, Fessenden, Traders Press
- Commodity Derivatives and Finance, Tener Smith, Euromoney
- Commodity Trading Manual Workbook, Chicago Board of Trade ,Glenlake Publishing Inc.
- Corn Trading and Hedging, Grandmill ,Windsor Books
- Crude Oil Hedging: Benchmarking Price Protection Strategies, Kraapels, RISK
- Derivatives - A Managers Guide to the World's Most Powerful Financial Instruments McBride Johnson, McGraw-Hill
- Futures, Options and Swaps - 3rd Edition Kolb, Blackwell
- Getting Started In Futures Lofton ,John Wiley & Sons
- How to Become a Real-Time Commodity Futures Trader - From Home Krieger, Futures Group
- How to Fine-Tune Wheat Trading and Hedging Grandmill's Exclusive Price and Timing Tables, Grandmill, Windsor Books
- Introduction to Commodity Futures and Options, Battley, Irwin
- Introduction to Futures and Options Markets, Hull, Prentice Hall
- Managing Metals Price Risk, Risk Publications, RISK
- Mastering Commodity Futures & Options A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Trading, Kleinman, FT Management
- Mees Pierson International Commodities Handbook, Euromoney
- Trading in Oil Futures and Options, Clubley, Woodhead Publishing
- Understanding Futures Markets, Kolb, Blackwell